For team efforts in high-stake pitches, MilestoneThree can help to craft a pitch which would captivate an audience. Coming from an outside perspective, combined with the experience of coaching winning pitches totaling $10M+, your team’s pitch will make a lasting impact.

Pitch Coaching sessions are focused on your team’s situation and objectives, and are fully interactive and hands-on. Typical areas explored in these sessions include: 

  • Pitch Strategy
  • Pitch Crafting
  • Pitch Refining

Senior Executives that are leading, aligning and sharing visions must come across as personable and believable. These 1:1 sessions are focused on bringing out the presence and personality of the executive, while bringing the audience closer.

Executive Pitch Coaching sessions are focused on the individual’s situation and objectives. Using proven methods and practical exercises, visible improvement are usually made in the following areas:

  • Speaking to Inspire
  • Simplify Messages
  • Storytelling

Captivate your Audience


Enlighten audiences with your insightful idea


Bring others towards action


Wow! Them with your ideas


Bring audiences to relate to you from the beginning of your pitch


Show how you solve a familiar issue in an unfamiliar way


Present what the opportunity is ahead and invite them to take action

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*Download can be available, just after filling in Email